Common Side Effects of Low Testosterone

Low Testosterone (Luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T), are related to one another very closely. They work hand in hand to allow the production of sperm. Low Testosterone will therefore lead to low libido and poor sexual performance. Low testosterone may also cause mood swings and fatigue.

In some cases, low testosterone production may also lead to erectile dysfunction and infertility. Low testosterone production makes it hard to have or maintain an erection consistently. Testosterone triggers the male reproductive cells to produce nitric oxide, a powerful vasodilator, which begins several physiological responses which result in a firm erection. However, if testosterone levels are too low, a male may still be unable to have an erection, no matter how much he may desire to have one. Some of the symptoms of this condition include lack of desire for sex, irregular periods, absence of erections, fatigue and decreased sperm production.

Low Testosterone also has a detrimental effect on bone mass. When testosterone helps the body produce osteoproteins like osteocalcin, which help with the formation and maintenance of our bone mass, the testicles will be protected. However, with age, the production of these hormones declines causing the bones to become susceptible to fractures. Low Testosterone has been found to contribute to the increase of free testosterone in our testicles.

Low Testosterone also contributes to the development of several conditions related to the male reproductive system, like erectile dysfunction and infertility. When low testosterone affects the function of sperm production, it can result in a reduced capacity to conceive. Sperm production is highly important in the process of mating, as it determines whether or not an egg will be fertilized. When the sperm are unable to fertilize the egg, infertile conditions can occur.

Another condition that can be caused by low testosterone levels is the development of benign prostate hyperplasia or abbreviated prostatic hyperplasia. This condition causes physical changes in the prostate, most notably an enlarged prostate gland. Though benign, this condition may cause other complications, like urinary tract infections and cancer of the prostate, if left untreated. Other physical changes that may occur are changes in the bone density, increased body fat, decreased muscle strength and muscle mass, and depression. All of these side effects of Low Testosterone can lead to serious physical changes and should be given special attention.

These side effects of Low Testosterone primarily affect men who are in their early to mid-thirties. Men who are in their late thirties and older experience a gradual decrease in their Testosterone levels. This can result in a loss of sexual potency, decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and decreased muscle mass. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best that you discuss it with a medical clinic such as Paramount Men’s Medical Center in St. Louis to determine if a therapy such as prescription medicine can help you.

There are many symptoms of low testosterone, which affect both men and women of all ages. Low Testosterone is a condition where the levels of this male sex hormone decrease over time. Symptoms of low testosterone can include decreased sex drive, decreased bone mass and muscle, erectile dysfunction, decreased bone density and muscle strength. The hormone also has several other important roles, such as: brain development of the male brain, body hair growth, and sexual characteristics. While there are many causes of this condition, mainly age, genetics, environmental stressors and medication, it can be treated and actually turned around.

As men age, they begin to experience a decrease in testosterone levels. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone, meaning it helps to build new muscle tissue, cells and organs, as well as assisting with the sexual function in males. With age, because of decreased production in the body as well as decreased sexual function, low levels of testosterone may occur and these symptoms are caused by this condition.

Low Testosterone in males can be caused by a number of different factors. It is more common in older males, however it can also occur in younger men and even females. One of the main causes of this condition is weight gain or loss. Another factor is infections or disease that attacks the prostate. Other causes of Low Testosterone in males include infections to the liver or kidneys, excess alcohol consumption, exposure to pesticides and insecticides, and diseases caused by yeast or bacteria.

As males get older, they begin to notice a decrease in bone mass. The decline in testosterone helps to contribute to this loss of bone mass. This is why low testosterone levels are commonly seen in older men. Low Testosterone also affects bone strength, another major cause of osteoporosis. In addition to decreased bone mass, low testosterone may also contribute to weak erections or impotence in men.

If you suspect that you have symptoms of low testosterone, it is important to find out what your exact diagnosis is. It is important to know that symptoms of low testosterone do not always mean that you do not have low testosterone. You doctor may want to test for other conditions, such as Lupus, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, or some other condition. When your doctor diagnoses you, he will likely prescribe testosterone injections or other treatments that help you increase your levels of natural testosterone in your body.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone include decreased muscle mass, decreased sex drive, decreased appetite, decreased libido, mood problems, sleep problems, depression, decreased bone mass, slowed growth, loss of energy and strength, decreased muscle strength, joint pain, fluid retention, decreased libido, hot flashes, weight gain or loss, increased fat levels in the abdomen, thinning hair, and increased age spots. If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, it is very important to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. If you decide to treat your condition with natural treatments, it is important to talk to your doctor about side effects and how long the supplements will stay effective before stopping them. If you choose to use natural treatments, be sure to check with your doctor to ensure that they will not have adverse side effects on you.

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